If you're just getting started with oVice, a free-trial account can cover everything you need for working remotely.

****To help you and your team ajusted to our virtual spatial platform, here are our top tips and tricks for remote working with oVice:

Sharing your screen

Share an app, don't share your desktop

The ability to share a specific app or tab, is particularly handy if you're working from home. Even if your notes doc is pulled up on top of your PowerPoint, your team will only see the app you want them to see.

It's also a good way to keep your team focused on the material that you’re presenting, rather than your cluttered desktop.

*Sharing preferences are not available on Safari (you can only share your full screen)


Office layout


<aside> ➕ **Our Layout Gallery**

space settings).

physical office space. You can divide it to different areas too ( coworking area,

meeting area, break area, etc...)


Privacy in oVice

Video Settings

During a Remote Meeting

Use the gallery view

The gallery view allows you to see everyone at once Brady Bunch style. This way, you can know at a glance who is on the call. It’s also nice to have that visual connection with your coworkers if you’re working remotely.

If you’re in a noisy environment, it’s okay to leave yourself on mute

This is particularly important for large and more formal meetings. Leave yourself on mute until it’s your time to talk.